Historic Preservation Advocacy Page
Research Resources:
The following tools will provide you with the ability to locate and identify history, houses and landscapes
and to assist you in solving a challenge or seeking a solution.
Essex County Register of Deeds
Specific to Preservationists:
General City & Organizational Contacts:
Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Historic Properties
Massachusetts Building Code specific to historic properties:
Standards for Downtown Newburyport Signage
Newburyport Zoning Ordinance for the Downtown Historic District:
Newburyport Zoning Ordinance for the Newburyport Historic District:
Newburyport Zoning Ordinance for the Waterfront West Overlay District:
The Watchful Eye:
Community Preservation Committee
The Plans that Newburyport is supposed to follow (But either isn’t or is trying to wiggle out of its responsibility):
Open Space & Recreation Plan 2012-2022
Green Communities Action Plan – Newburyport
Newburyport Historic Preservation Plan 1991
Signage Standards for Downtown Newburyport
Section XVII: Downtown Overlay District (DOD)
Section XVIII: Demolition Control Overlay District (DCOD)
Towle Complex Overlay District
Waterfront Strategic Plan 2003
Waterfront West Overlay District
Regional Resources:
Essex National Heritage Commission
Merrimack Valley Regional Planning Commission